The Love Uprising!
The world we collectively have been born into can be shifted into a far better one than it now is. We can manifest a Love based world. Unity of all mankind, prosperous and thriving people world-wide, nature returned to harmony and balance and hearts emanating from pure Love are all visions held through The Love Uprising. Imagine the world Love would bring into being. Now imagine people throughout the world being this Love and holding the visions of this new earth energy. The Love Uprising is a manifestation from this vision and birthed through Love. You are an essential aspect of this emerging into a heart centered world!
The Love Uprising holds the vision of dissolving all current systems and powers in the world that are not Love based and replacing them with models that serve the highest good of all. We dissolve corrupt systems and powers by not feeding them or supporting them any longer while feeding and supporting what is in perfect alignment. There is only one law and all order and harmony flow from this one law. It is the Higher Law. It is written from birth on mans heart and only in a fallen dark world is it veiled somewhat. The Higher Law is based on pure Love and what it would do under any given situation. The Love Uprising is about shaping the world based on Love and the Higher Law. There are millions upon millions of people already awakening and shifting into the vision that The Love Uprising is an aspect of. This up-swelling of the collective consciousness world-wide is now occurring and growing exponentially. The old systems based on greed and elite domination are not sustainable. People from all walks of life and cultural upbringings are shifting from the head to the heart. This shift is reflected by The Love Uprising being an aspect of the emerging of a beautiful new earth. We are heart-centered people knowing Love, not greed and fear based ideas, are how we can all share in a beautiful better world.
The key essential aspect of The Love Uprising is individually and collectively moving from the head to the heart. To the degree this happens we end suffering, bring about paradise on earth, and manifest a harmonious earth,
The 'world' is the conversations and agreements that have created the world we live in. We change the world by changing the conversations and agreements into those Love based heart centered ones.
The earth is the land, sky, oceans, flora, fauna and such. The Love Uprising recognizes we are to live in harmony and balance with the earth. We are care givers of the earth. We are to enhance it rather than destroy it. We are to allow it to purify rather than be toxified through our actions. The earth is our home and life support system.
The first and absolutely essential aspect of uprising is by being Love. Resonating from the heart filled with pure Love is the greatest power we have. This Love is not based on beliefs but simply accessed by being Love.
Love is literally like the air. It is always with us and in us. We are like radios that can attune to the 'Love channel' at any time. We are also broadcasters that can send out the Love signal. We become Love by simply being Love. We be Love by mindfully with intention choosing Love to be received and sent out by us. It is a moment by moment practice. It is incredibly simple. Be Love by choosing Love now.
From being Love the effects of that manifest into form through actions. A heart centered persons actions are the expressions emanating from being Love. Through a life lived from the heart centered presence of Love the actions fall into alignment with Love. Through being Love the actions become aspects of Love. Doing actions without being Love accomplishes far less than being Love and doing what Love prompts to do.