Banking & Global Monetary System
The current banking and monetary systems around the world have been created to keep us in debt, slavery, and bondage. Living Loves' Vision is about a complete dissolving of this system in favour of one that creates the opposite effects which are free from any debt except to love one another and the planet. True freedom to follow your hearts promptings and thus fulfill your 'mission' while on the planet and in this freedom be in complete radiance each moment celebrating the moment and the opportunity to touch others lives' in beautiful ways.
The solution is in creating forms of exchange that have zero interest attached to them and simply represent a real value. The emphasis here not being on creating hordes of wealth for oneself as that is not required in this new system. Barter and fair exchanges are welcomed. The perfect monetary system is based on not really needing to rely on a monetary system as the flow of what an individual requires is easily manifested.
This video demonstrates the current system and the problems associated with it. Towards the end it directs toward a dialog regarding practical solutions:
Banking & Monetary System Solutions - Chris Madsen
Actions You Can Do Now
- Barter and do cashless exchanges as much as possible
- Avoid major banks, use local owned credit unions when required
- Use online cashless systems that exclude banks
- Grow a garden
- Buy local - support farmers markets
- Hold and share Living Loves' Vision of the world
- Get rid of credit cards and debt. Consider bankruptcy if it is large amounts owed
- Do not borrow money from any institution. Live debt free
- Support all efforts to release suppressed technologies such as free energy
- Remember the current systems are a pseudo reality imposed on us